Pretend to be a discord bot


Pretendabot ©

Pretend to be a discord bot!

CodeQL GitHub version Mantained


Pretendabot© is an app that lets you become a discord bot!.

It uses discord intrigrations(webhooks) and lets you impersonate a bot/webhook.

Use this app to trick your friends into thinking they are talking to a bot!


Download and install

  1. Download the latest version here
  2. Run the installer

How to use

  1. Open Discord

  2. Make shure you have the manage channels permission

  3. Click on the cog icon/edit channel on your favorate channel it should look like this img

  4. Click on Integrations tab: (it should look like this) img

  5. On the webhooks tab click on Create Webhook

  6. Name you bot

  7. Click on Copy WebHook url

  8. Open the app

  9. Paste the webhook url in WebHook Urls seprated by commas:


The app icon/logo is by @hlooola


img img img img

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    Describe the bug Colour is not getting cleared when sending normal message

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Open app Send a message in color Send any non-coloured message See bug: it will appear as coloured

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    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /image/README/1636566486910.png | 9.25kb | 6.11kb | 34.01% | | /image/README/1636566691454.png | 66.99kb | 48.32kb | 27.87% | | | | | | | Total : | 76.24kb | 54.42kb | 28.62% |

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