Crowbar - A windows post exploitation tool


Crowbar - A windows post exploitation tool


Status - ✔️

This project is now considered finished. Any updates from now on will most likely be new scripts/utilities or just bug fixes. I will try to update/add anything I can to improve this project as frequently as possible. More coming soon!

Update logs

[4/25/21] - Added 2 new scripts and 5 utilities. Added a new option in the main menu called 'WSL' which checks to see if the target machine has 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' installed.

[4/24/21] - Added new scripts and fixed minor issues. Added an extra utility.

[4/18/21] - Added a new directory called 'Escalate' to aid in the process of privilege escalation, added 3 more scripts, added a new feature for the 'Scripts' directory called 'Hail Mary' which launches all of the scripts against the target machine, removed 1 broken utility, and fixed minor bugs. More stuff coming out soon.

[4/15/21] - Added a new tool called 'iPower' for executing system commands via PowerShell. Fixed minor bugs, added a powershell script execution bypass, and fixed up the powershell modules. More scripts and utilities coming soon.

[4/15/21] - Crowbar V2! The whole framework was completely recoded and re-designed. I have added 30 scripts and 1 extra utility.

[4/15/21] - Whole rework coming soon.

[4/14/21] - Added 'iMonitor' menu. Fixed some minor menu issues. Added 6 scripts and 2 extra utilities.

[4/13/21] - Added 'Connect Hub' menu. Fixed minor issues.


[Make sure you have CMD open in the Crowbar folder]

[And yes, to execute the .bat file just put the name and the extension.]



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